Here's a picture of the email they sent went when they suspended my account.
I'm told by a human customer support clerk (I think) to file a new case at the automated system, but the automated system says I have an open case. They say you can close a case, but they don't say how. There's no ticket system like many sites, perhaps most sites with lots of users with lots of problems have, so there's no way to see what cases you have open, and no way to close them. There's no "close a case" option.
The Twitter system of forms that don't quite suit your case, which are responded to via email, most of which say you can't respond to it, is a terrible system, just really really terrible. It's no wonder they have such trouble responding to abuse complaints and the many other problems users report when they use a system that's so bad it seems it seems like it was designed to be bad.
They suggest that I can DM people, but the DM system give the "internal system error" message.
I have dozens of emails going back and forth about this. I've filled the forms on the forms pages many times following instructions from
Here's a picture of the email Twitter sent saying my account was suspended for "Violating our rules against posting violent threats. You may not make specific threats of violence or wish for the physical harm, death, or disease of an individual or group of people."
My tweet does not contain a violent threat, nor make specific threats of violence or withis for the physical harm, death, or disease of any individual or group of people.
I don't like the Gadsden flag because I think it is a threat to attack people who get in your way. That's why it uses a rattlesnake known for deadly venom and has the message "Don't tread on me." on it.
Some libertarians do argue that privately owned nuclear weapons are at least as sensible as government owned nukes. Here's a link to an article on this topic:
An even better example of libertarians being known as not peace-loving is their strong, frequent defense of the right to bear arms, defending the second amendment, asserting the right to use force in self-defense, the right concealed carry, etc.
Me talking about about what libertarians think about how I think they're seen is clearly not a violent threat, nor make specific threats of violence or wish for the physical harm, death, or disease of any individual or group of people.
The suspension was completely, utterly senseless. It's could only result from an automated system that looks for keywords and phrases rather than meaning, which might be reviewed by a human, who lacks reading comprehension or is to rushed to read with comprehension, or possibly some group did the mass report thing that sometimes gets people senselessly suspended.
I have clearly spent entirely too much time on Twitter, because I have no audience anywhere else online, and I don't know the email addresses or contact information for anyone, except maybe one person if I can find it in my phone records.
They don't say I need to delete the tweet, they didn't give a link to it or provide it in embedded form so that the embed would be a link to it, for easy deletion, and they've disabled search returning my tweets, so I can find it that way. I looked manually, but I didn't see it. Presumably they've hidden it, even from me, making it impossible for me to delete it.
I like to get my Twitter account back, but I can't recommend to anyone else that they get a Twitter account use an existing on for anything other than publicizing links to sites where they control the material, and have copies of all their own material and conversations with others, because Twitter will suspend you for nothing, while allowing actual threats and other rule violating content to stay up forever, and their customer support system is not just bad, it's senseless beyond belief.
Customer support problem resolution systems (ticket systems) that allow for coherent, threaded conversations are a solved problem, in use by thousands or millions of organizations. I've use them many times. I've never seen such a system of going back and forth between web forms and email, without them indentifying what account they're talking about, and giving you reference numbers for their use that you can't use in their form system.
It is sometimes said not to blame malice when incompetence will suffice. This is an example of incompetence, but a sufficiently developed system of incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.