Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Twitter Suspended My @ChuckBaggett account on May 29th, 2020, and I want it back

 Twitter suspended my @ChuckBaggett account on May 29th, 2020, over 7 months ago as I write this, and I want my account back. I have appealed the suspension and filed new appeals many times, but they aren't reading them and replying to my new appeals; all  they do is say "This seems to be connected to your initial case so we'll add this to case number blah blah blah" and ask for new details if I know of any. 

It's over 7 months now, and I'm an old man, going to be 70 soon, if I'm lucky enough to live that long, and if I had any details to give them, I'd've forgotten them by now. But I never had any details to give them because I didn't do anything. Twitter's automated spam flagging systems make mistakes, and they suspend people's accounts, and then after months or years, they send an email that says the account was suspended due to an error in their spam flagging system, they apologize, and they hope the user will enjoy using Twitter again. I've read this story from other people, and as part of the Twitter May 29th Suspend ChuckBaggett Fiasco, they suspended other accounts of mine, and on one of those accounts, they have unsuspended the account and sent me that email where they say it was their fault, an error in their spam flagging system, they are sorry, and hope we'll enjoy continuing to use Twitter. 

It's time for them to unsuspend my @ChuckBaggett account. They can keep the automated apology and wishes to enjoy tweeting.

I know this isn't written in a super-diplomatic smooth talking way. Writing that  way would violate the currently popular notion that our posts are supposed to be "authentic".

Here's my appeal filed January 5, 2021. 

Please help me get my @ChuckBaggett account back. Please read this and give me a response from a human being treating me like a person instead of an automated email like the one shown below. I have no idea what went wrong in your system to make it conclude I was trying to evade permanent suspension. It makes no sense. My account was not suspended. I'm a 66 year old man living at 0000 YYY Rd, Apt ZZZ, City, State, ZZZZZ. I have posted over a quarter million tweets in the @ChuckBaggett account and would dearly love to be able to access my account, my followers, and the huge amount of writing I've done. Please, I beg you, reply to me in a human way, with a personal response written by a person, not a computer generated response. Or call me or text me at my 601-000-0000 phone number. I'm not a bad guy doing bad things on Twitter. I have other Twitter accounts that I'm still using every day, and have no trouble with,  but none of them are the one that's under my name, have my over quarter million tweets in them, my followers, and my original account creation date back in 2008. Please don't send me another one of these: "Hello, Thanks for your report. It looks like this is connected with your original case # 000000, so we’ve added it to that first report. We’ll continue our review with this information. If you have more details you think we should know, please respond to this email to send them our way. We appreciate your help!"