Friday, July 23, 2021

Twitter - Restore @ChuckBaggett's tweet visibility. Stop deindexing Chuck Baggett.

I've used Twitter as @ChuckBaggett since October of 2008. Twitter has been my primary social media site for years. Most days, I tweet a lot. According to Twitter, I have nearly 300,000 tweets. Over 12 years of my tweets were recently deindexed by Twitter, a process known as "deindexing". My tweets no longer appear when users search for keywords I've used a lot, such as  #Antiwar, #ImmigrationRights, or #FreedomOfMovement. This is not due to an error on my part. I know how to use search. I'm using the advanced search page and searching for tweets from my username @ChuckBaggett, and specifying correct beginning and ending dates. Hundreds of thousands of tweets that were returned by search until fairly recently are now missing from search results. All of those tweets should still appear in search results.

I post a lot of tweets to advance social causes like peace, freedom, and space exploration. My enjoyment of Twitter is greatly impaired if people who are searching for keywords and hashtags such as peace, #freedom, or #Space don't see my relevant tweets due to what is probably an error on Twitter's part.

I don't use bots to disrupt other people's Twitter experience. I don't pick fights with people. I don't sell anything on Twitter. I write unique, hand composed tweets. I enter the vast bulk of them using,, the Android twitter app, or the popular Buffer scheduling app .  

I have no idea why Twitter deindexed my tweets. Twitter has not told me anything I did that broke any rules. The most I've been given is a link to a laundry list of generic rules. If Twitter can't specify anything I did that broke any rule that merits hiding my tweets from search, then Twitter should promptly restore my tweets' visibility in search results. 

There's no good reason I should have to wait months or years to have my account returned to normal status and have all of my tweets returned when they meet user entered search criteria. 

I want people to be able to see all of my tweets that meet search criteria, not just a handful, and if someone looks at my profile, they should be able to repeatedly page down till they get to my first tweet in October of 2008, or their computer runs out of memory, whichever comes first.

Friday, July 9, 2021

WordTune, the AI-powered Writing Companion

I recently found a grammar checker and rewriter extension for chromium based browsers like Vivaldi, Chrome, and Edge, called WordTune, which bills itself as an "AI-powered Writing Companion".

In Twitter, I wrote the following: 

Statism, i.e., organized violence, threats, and deceit, the worship of government, should have lost all support due to its political, economic, historical and moral failings, but unfortunately those are what makes it appeal to its supporters.

WordTune will offer you multiple rewritten versions of your writing, if you want it to, which I did, and the results are as follows: 

In spite of its political, economic, historical and moral failings, government worship, organized violence, threats, and deceit ought to have lost all support. Unfortunately, this is what makes it appealing to its supporters.

Due to its political, economic, historical, and moral failings, democracy, organized violence, threats, and deceit, are the very things that make it appealing to its supporters. Unfortunately, those very things have become its hallmark.

Historically, and ethically, governments based on religious worship, organized violence, threats, and deceit should have lost all support for their political, economic, historical, and moral failings, yet these factors are precisely what make them attractive to their supporters.

The cult of government, including its politics, economics, historical, and moral failings, should have lost all support due to its violence, threats, and deceit, but those very qualities are what make it appealing to its followers.

Politics, organized violence, threats, and deceit, the worship of government, shouldn't have appealed to its supporters because of its political, economic, historical and moral failings, but unfortunately those are the qualities that make it appeal to them. 

Since state power is rooted in violence, threats, and deceit, governments ought to have lost all political, economic, historical, and moral support, but that is what makes them appealing to their supporters.

These seem useful, if not always the same in meaning to wrote, or sensible. I'm quite impressed by how much better today's "AI" is than that of a decade or two ago. There's been several times I liked what WordTune wrote better than what I wrote, in part or in whole. WordTune also does spell checking and grammar checking.


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Twitter has suspended my @ChuckBaggettJob account. 😖😞☹😟🤯

Twitter has suspended another account of mine. This time it's @ChuckBaggettJob, an account I, perhaps foolishly, made to find work, back when I was still trying to get a normal 9 to 5 job.

Here's the most recent suspension appeal that I filed per the instructions at 
Appeal an account suspension or locked account.

@TwitterSupport said the following previously:


Your account has been suspended and will not be restored because it was found to be violating the Twitter Terms of Service, specifically the Twitter Rules against managing multiple Twitter accounts for abusive purposes.

You can learn more about our rules around multiple accounts and against abusive behavior here:

Please note that creating new account(s) to evade this suspension is also against the Twitter Rules and will result in additional account suspension(s).



Here's my new suspension appeal:

You have suspended my account due to an error of some sort on your part. Possibly it was an error in your automated spam detection system; that is often the cause of inappropriate account suspension. Alternately, it might be that some users dogpiled me by submitting many false abuse reports about me. That happens to many users. I have not done anything meriting permanent account suspension. You should take the just and proper action, which is to restore this account with all its tweets and replies and followers and following.

My next step is to file complaints at the Golden Gate Better Business Bureau.

In the odd chance anyone reading this has any contact with @TwitterSupport or @Delbius, Del Harvey, Twitter VP, Twitter Trust & Safety, please see if they'll take a look at this blog post. Thanks.