From "Amazing Stories," Volume 1, Number 12, December 1938
"Great engineering skill and ingenuity will be necessary to produce a ship capable of flying to other worlds. The space ship shown here is based on theoretical extensions of known fact."
"Man, in his science, has begun to realize that he can travel to other planets. Scientists have set their minds to the problems that confront space travel, seeking a means to overcome them. True, they are many and complex, but not unsurmountable. First, and most important, is the matter of escaping the colossal pull of Earth's gravity. Science tells us it would be necessary for a body to attain an initial speed of 7 miles per second in order to completely escape the influence of the Earth. But for that we need a tremendous amount of power - more power than any fuel we know today can give us. Out in space, too, there are problems. How will the human body react to gravity-less existence? How will we produce and maintain healthy Earth conditions out in space - atmosphere, pressure, equilibrium, protection against harmful rays, etc.? In designing this imaginary vessel, we have taken all this into consideration, and it seems very likely that space travel, when it comes, will be accomplished by ships such as this."