Friday, January 12, 2024

Pornbots on X Slutbots on X Spambots on X Fake Engagement WTF is wrong with X?

 The chat system formerly called Twitter, now called X, has a severe problem with fake engagement from fake accounts. There are various types of fake accounts doing fake engagements in different ways, but one of the most common is accounts that make a weak attempt to appear to be from highly sexualized women, often with gigantic breast implants and huge asses, implant or silicone lips, pancake makeup, lipstick the extends far beyond the edge of their lips, clothes made with an unwieldy number of tiny straps and nothing else. They might be picks of real people, sadly enough, or might be AI-distorted images of real people, or totally AI-generated.  They generally have a link in the bio to a site with a name like sweet cheeks dot com, sexy gals dot com, sweet girl online dot cam, or similar. 

They might be offering porn or text or voice chat in a somewhat legitimate way, but I suspect that they are mostly phishing scams hoping to get credentials to use in identify theft based crimes like clearing out bank accounts, filing fake tax returns to get bogus refunds, blackmail, or worse. 

Here is a screenshot of one of the general types of pornbot spambot whorebot scumbot like-spamming bots. 

I get dozens of fake likes from these fake accounts every day. It is by far the most common type of interaction I get from using X now after joining Twitter in 2008 and using it a great deal since.

I tried a month of Premium Plus X, i.e., the higher tier of the hated "Twitter Blue," to see what X's variant of a large language model, which Musk named Grok, thus spoiling a world coined by Robert Heinlein in his book Stranger In A Strange Land. As a consequence, I got access to a type of X support not offered to unpaying plebian X accounts. I asked this premium help system for help with the flood of pornbot spam and was told they only help with the features you get from paying for a Premium account. So there is no help for the X spam problem, aka the X pornbot problem, the X like-pam problem. 

I've canceled the X Premium Plus account and am returning to an unpaid account because I can't see paying to support a system that is much more effective at promoting rule-breaking, unethical, likely illegal phishing schemes than at genuine chat between real, non-ad revenue motivated human users. 

Here's more: 

Those three and perhaps more appeared during a 3 hour nap. 

I got some other types of spam during that nap, not pornbot spam this time, but crypto spam, a type of spam that uses multiple accounts to spread crypto scams, one account present a like to a third party site doing something unethical, most likely a phishing scam, and an army of accounts that make posts linking to the central scamming account. 
Here's what this type of spam scam post looks like. 

Blocking these accounts or reporting and blocking these accounts does no good, the accounts are free and easily made and the crooks and scum make thousands or more a day. 

Disabling a variety of notifications can keep you from being so aware of the massive bogus and criminal systems being run on Elon Musk's X site, but that doesn't keep others from seeing who likes your posts, and it does keep your posts from being deboosted because of engagement from less than worthless spam accounts. 

These days the account creation and operation might be totally automated, but there has long been a practice of running such unethical criminal schemes using extremely low-paid workers in poorer parts of the world, workers that are often minors, working atgrids of cheap phones. 

I wish I had some suggestions on how to deal with the problem other than to close your X account, but I don't. 

I have what some would call a severe X addiction, which used to be known as a Twitter addiction. It's how I fill my empty hours in my empty life in the last era of my life span. I'm trying to quit, but it's harder to quit than alcohol or cigarettes were. 

The flood of repulsive, unethical, criminal activity on X never stops. Here's another that happened during my nap or while writing this post. 

I stronger people not currently using X to not register.  

Certainly don't let minors join this hellhole of a site.

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