Friday, January 12, 2024

X aka Twitter is a haven for scam and phish porn and crypot accounts

 When I complain about the scam and phishing problem on X in posts on X I sometimes get some empathy or sympathy, some commiseration, but I also get some comments saying I should shrug it off or disable notifications so I don't see notifications about the pornbots and cryptobots spam and phishing fake  engagement, but the most certain response to any post I make on X is like-spam from a pornbot  that I got as my first interaction with X (Twitter) after my hopefully final waking up for the day.

I am quite sick of this. Doing better than this regarding the creation of new accounts by scammers is a solved problem - it was better than this before the unfortunate purchase of X by Elon Musk and it's better than this on other sites. The scam-phishers appear to not only be making new accounts but either hacking  old accounts that were once regular accounts used by humans or acquiring old accounts from scam and phishing suppliers that create and hold on to accounts for criminal use later on or in some way I can't imagine. 

In the event any who advertise on X aren't aware of the scamming, phishing, pornbot, and cryptobot activity on X (Twitter) your ads will inevitably be associated with in X users' minds due to the constant flood of such fake engagement on X, even if they aren't on the screen at the same time see this post, consider putting your ad money somewhere else.

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