Tuesday, March 26, 2024
I tried using CHARACTER AI because I am SINGLE and DELUSIONAL (gone hor...
Saturday, March 23, 2024
X pornbots spammers scammers cryptoscammers fake accounts
If voodoo worked when done by me, none of the people who spam me would do anything at all in their lives except suffer.
I'm sitting in a room alone not hurting a soul, nearly 70, w cancer, near 0 testosterone, listening to Bach, and assholes on X bug me with spam for 13 yr olds boys.
Google puts nearly all spam in a spam folder that can pretty much be ignored. You at least don't get notifications about messages it puts in the spam folder.
X is owned by someone who choses not to use existing antispam techniques. How much do the phishing sites pay him?
Do you have any ideas to not just hide the notifications about the spam, which is worse than worthless, but to stop it so you don't get it so the would be spammers get no benefit, not just from you, but from so many users that the profitability of spam phishing is reduced?
There's a significant percent of the pornbots whose pictures look like they might be below 18. I wish I was comfortable with using a child abuse category in the abuse report system, or reporting the accounts and their enabler X to the cops and other government entities.
I think that a sustained extreme outrage response from spam haters could probably get the problem greatly reduced, but doing that is miserable until it succeeds and you get to stop, and that might never happen. The problem with collective action or some such.
I don't think X is unable to drastically reduce the number of fake accounts or the number of false engagements. These fake accounts and fake likes, fake reposts, etc. are benefiting X or pleasing Elon Musk in some way; if they weren't they'd be stopped.
Many of the fake engagements such as fake replies are so repetitive it should simple for automated anti-spam apps to find them.
Fake likes could be reduced or eliminated for many people by allowing X users and customers to disable the ability of people they don't follow to like their posts.
Engagements deemed likely to be fake could go into a spam folder and not affect your account publicly until you approve them.
I have posted some complaints about my pornbot and cryptoscam on X and I think this causes one to get even fake engagement from bots and scammer, so I will be moving that griping to this Blogger blog for a while.