Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Still Trying To Escape From Twitter X Addiction

Hello group. My name is Chuck Baggett, and I'm here at the Twitter-Or-X-aholics Anonymous to say that I am a hopeless Twitter addict. 

I had a probably hair-brained idea on how to deal with both Twitter addiction and Excessive Tabs And Sites Attention Disorder, ETASAD, a new pseudo-disorder I just made up.

My idea: instead of my browser restoring the previous session, and keeping a million tabs open, I have it open a list of sites that have good things to read or tools like all the AI LLM chatbots and image generators, my Blogger blog, Gmail, Google Docs, etc., about 50 sites.

Whatever the final number of sites is, I will use a browser extension to keep me from being able to open more tabs when I hit a limit and the limit will number of tabs I've picked for the browser to open with. 

If I need to open another tab I can use another profile in my usual browser.

I have both Bluesky and Mastodon accounts. 

It could have a page for X but only if it only let me post stuff and not see a timeline, or only see the timeline for about ten accounts at most, accounts that have interacted with me a bit. No news, no space fans, and so on.  No infinite scroll.

Maybe I shouldn't be trying to find a better microblogging site.

It's a lot easier to say "I'm going to kick the habit because I need to so much!" than it is to actually kick the habit. 

If you're not kicking the bad habit, the bad habit's kicking you. 

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